Global Institute for Creation Science Just another WordPress site Tue, 01 Mar 2016 15:09:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193359989 Why the Megafauna Couldn’t Survive a Post-Flood World Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:38:20 +0000 mammothWe know, based on the word, that the megafauna all made it to the ark; the mammoths, the mastodons, the giant sloths, etcetcetc. There was plenty of room, despite what the naysayers will have you believe. What we don’t know is why they all suddenly disappeared.

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Had Darwin not Gone on the Voyage of the Beagle Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:36:45 +0000 darwinDarwin is often viewed as the man who pulled so many away from God and salvation with his scientific theory, a theory that runs counter to what we know to be historically true. But Darwin was not the bumbling fool, like so many in the Young Earth Creationist movement will tell you. He was an exceptionally brilliant mind, and had his heart stayed rooted in the scripture as his interest in the natural sciences grew, there is no doubt that he would have gone down as one of the greatest scientists in the history of the world.

Darwin was baptized as an Anglican and, though he went to private schools and even studied medicine at one point, he had taken a very young interest in nature, and that interest never faded. As he began to stray toward secularism, his father sent him to Christ’s College in Cambridge and put him on a path to becoming an Anglican preacher. Eventually, however, his love for nature and his interests in shooting, riding and beetle collecting pulled him from his scriptural studies and lured him back to secular science.

Had Darwin not been compelled to embark on the Voyage of the Beagle with Captain Robert FitzRoy in 1831, or had he gone to sea while keeping his scientific view firmly grounded in the scriptures, particularly in the teachings of Genesis, there is no doubt that he would never have crafted the pseudoscience that we know as Natural Selection and Evolution.

Furthermore, had Darwin not gotten spiritually and morally lost, there is little doubt that the beauty and wonder of creation that he saw in the Galapagos Islands and on the mainland in South America would have eventually led him to come up with the scientific theory of Intelligent Design. And, he would have done it more than a century before the great Percival William Davis did.

Every private and public school science class should make Of Pandas and People (co-authored by Percival Davis) required reading. This single book will clearly show you the clues that Darwin missed and why he got things so wrong.

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Ray Comfort was Right about the Banana Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:34:00 +0000 comforthsadgf skahdf gksdfh gks dfglk sgf kls hgdfklashdg flk sgadfl sdkl fglksdg fkls dgfkl sdgfl g sdfl gsdlfg lsdkfg lsdg flsdfglsdgf dafkglsdafglsk adfg lkasdg flasdgfl kasddgfl sdgfkl sdg flasdfgkl sadjgf klsdagflsdgf lasdgafl sadf

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Why Marsupials were Created that Way Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:23:16 +0000 koalakasjag daskjh dgkajsh dgkash gadfkhasg fkashgfkhasg fkhasg fkhsgf kasghfklassg flkasg fkla gf aGFG LGALF GAFSDL KALKFG KA GFK  GF HGSFGSDF  ekjfh klwfhkwl fgjklw gdflksgdlkshfl sd flk sdj dfl ksdjdhfkhwlshdfs

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The Jesus Christ Lizard of Latin America Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:21:21 +0000 basilisksdgf slad fglsdk fglksdf hljksd fljksdh fljk sdfh lksjfh ljksddjhfl ksdjdh fljk sjdh fljkasjdfhkljsjdh flk sjdfhls hflk sddh flk sdjfh lksdhdf ljksjh fljk sjdhfl kshflk ashfljk sdj fhlskfh lksdfh ljksh fdkl jsafh lkshlk sa hfd lksadhfkl s

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Why Birds Could Not Have Come from Dinosaurs Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:18:25 +0000 birdssdhgf sdjkhfg skad afgksadfg lksdf glksd gflk sdfglksj d fgkjsd fgkjsd gfkj sdgf sdgfk sdg flk jsd gflk sd fkls dgflk sdgf kgsdk fg sdkfg klsdg fkl sdgflk sdgf lkasdfggsd

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New Pteradactyl Sightings in South America Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:01:28 +0000 huntedpterodactyljkshg fksdhg f kasdhgf kasdg flk sd gfklsd fglk sdhklhg fklsd gflsd gf lk sdfklsdjhf jkl sdjhf sdjkljh flksdj fhl ksddjdfh ljksjd fhlksjdfklj sdhfjkl sjdf lksdh f lkajsh fl sdh sdljkfh lsk dj hflk sdjfh klsddjfhl ksd hdf kjsdhsdlkjfhlsk djhfs kdjfh slkjfhslkdj f hlsd hfljk sjdh fjkl sdh lskdfhlks hf lks hl kksdhlksdjhf lkasdj hfl ksjdhf klsadj hadflk sdjafh kljsdj gkh jsdkdfhlk saj hf lkjsdf lksdj hfklj sjh dfhkljs dhflk sdjfhl sdjhflskdjhdf lskjdfhkl sjdhf sldfhhslk fjh lk sjhfkl sdj fhl shf lfkasjhaglaksd

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What did John Horner Get Right? Sun, 28 Feb 2016 21:59:49 +0000 hornerjsdhg fkadjsg fasdk gfkj asdhfgsk dfgksgdf kashfg klasdg f lkasdg flkasd gfkls gdflk gsdlk fglskdg dflsdgfl shkdg fgl sdhgf lsdkgf klsadg fkasgf kasjdg fksdg fkj hsdgfh  sdkf gsdkgfk sddg fksdgf lsd gfl sdgf lksdg fklfsdg f ksdg f sdgfk sldfgld kgljk goaisl ghflasjh fj sklhf ljksd fgojs afl kjasdh afljkasd jfhal

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Who Was the King of the Dinosaurs? Sun, 28 Feb 2016 21:58:02 +0000 fightingdinosjsag dfksjdhg fsdkfg sdkf gksd dfgklsa fgl ksafgksg fksddgh fksdjhdg fksh dgfksd gfksdh fgksdd gfksd gfks gfks dfks hfgksd gfksdg dfksd gfksd gfksd gfkjsdg fksdj gfkjs ddfgksd fksd gfk sdgkf sdkf gsdk fgksdg fksg dfks gfks fksd fklsd fglksd flksdd dfglks fglksjdf glks dfglskdl fgsldkdf gslkdjf gsklfg slkj fgklsjdf gslkdf hlksj dfhlksj dfkl sj dhflk sdfl ksd fglksj hdflkjs hdfl kjsh fljk sdhf kljs dhflkjsdh flk s jdfhljk sdflk sjhdflkjashglkasj gha alk jsgh

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Title of Article Sat, 27 Feb 2016 23:36:07 +0000

blogpicfgsdfsg sdshsdh ghsgh sghssg h fgh f hfghfs  fggsff

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