by Dr. Gabriel Stafford, PhD | Feb 28, 2016 | Intelligent Design
We know, based on the word, that the megafauna all made it to the ark; the mammoths, the mastodons, the giant sloths, etcetcetc. There was plenty of room, despite what the naysayers will have you believe. What we don’t know is why they all suddenly...
by Dr. Gabriel Stafford, PhD | Feb 28, 2016 | Intelligent Design
Darwin is often viewed as the man who pulled so many away from God and salvation with his scientific theory, a theory that runs counter to what we know to be historically true. But Darwin was not the bumbling fool, like so many in the Young Earth Creationist movement...
by Dr. Gabriel Stafford, PhD | Feb 28, 2016 | Intelligent Design
hsadgf skahdf gksdfh gks dfglk sgf kls hgdfklashdg flk sgadfl sdkl fglksdg fkls dgfkl sdgfl g sdfl gsdlfg lsdkfg lsdg flsdfglsdgf dafkglsdafglsk adfg lkasdg flasdgfl kasddgfl sdgfkl sdg flasdfgkl sadjgf klsdagflsdgf lasdgafl...
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